Friday, September 4, 2020

Exploiting symmetry in structured data is a powerful way to improve learning and generalization ability of AI systems, and extract more information, in applications from vision and NLP to robotics. This is exemplified by convolutional neural nets, which are an ubiquitous architecture. Recently, there has been a great deal of progress to develop improved equivariant and invariant learning architectures, as well as improved data augmentation methods. There has also been progress on the theoretical foundations of the area, from the perspectives of statistics and optimization. The notion of adding data via data augmentation also arises in problems such as adversarial robustness. This workshop will bring together leading researchers in the area to discuss the state of the art of the field. The activity is part of the Due to Covid-19, the workshop will be held online as a Zoom webinar. While this means less in-person interaction, it also means that the talks are accessible to everyone for free, without the costs of travel.

Recorded talks are available as a Youtube playlist. Individual videos are also linked below. The link below takes you to the playlist in the “play all” mode.


9:00am- Haggai Maron, Leveraging permutation group symmetries for designing equivariant neural networks

9:30am- Taco Cohen, Equivariant Networks and Natural Graph Networks

10:00am- Danilo J. Rezende, Generative Models and Symmetries

10:30am- Kilian Q. Weinberger, Learning with Marginalized Augmenation

11:00am- Mark van der Wilk


Carlos Esteves

Carlos Esteves

University of Pennsylvania

Jane H. Lee

Jane H. Lee

Twitter/Yale University
Chelsea Finn

Chelsea Finn

Stanford University

Haggai Maron

Haggai Maron

NVIDIA Research

Danilo J. Rezende

Danilo J. Rezende

Google DeepMind

Alejandro Ribeiro

Alejandro Ribeiro

University of Pennsylvania

Alexander Robey

Alexander Robey

University of Pennsylvania

Greg Valiant

Greg Valiant

Stanford University

Kilian Q. Weinberger

Kilian Q. Weinberger

Cornell University

Mark van der Wilk

Mark van der Wilk

Imperial College London

Hongyang R. Zhang

Hongyang R. Zhang

Northeastern University


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